Results for: "MIKE TRENEER" in "SPEAKERS" sorted by MESSAGE TITLE...
(click on column titles to re-sort results for "Mike Treneer" by that particular column) |
Message |
Topic: A /
Topic: B |
Series /
Passage |
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A Life of Assurance |
I John 3:19-24 |
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A Life of Holiness |
1 John 3:1-10 |
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Acts 11:19-30 |
Acts 11:19-30 |
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Advancing the Gospel (Your Neighborhood) |
Evangelism / Witnessing |
|  |
Africa Report |
Navigators / International Ministry |
|  |
Africa Report and the Word |
Navigators / Word of God, The |
|  |
Bearing Fruit to the Glory of God |
Evangelism / Spiritual Multiplication |
| |  |
Beholding the Glory of God |
God, Characteristics of / Doctrine of God |
| |  |
Causes of Defeat, The |
Victorious Christian Living / Failure |
|  |
Christ Died Once for All |
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Commissioning Service |
| |  |
Commitments of Our Vision |
- 2 |
| |  |
Concern That Leads to Prayer - Nehemiah 1 |
Nehemiah 1 |
| |  |
Confidence In A Finished Work of Christ |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 3 / Philippians 3:1-11 |
| |  |
Cost of Christian Service |
| |  |
Cost of Service, The |
Servanthood / Trials |
|  |
Courage from the Life of Christ |
Character Studies / Courage |
|  |
Courage from the Life of David - Taking Initiative |
Character Studies / Courage |
|  |
Courage to Lead from Nehemiah |
Character Studies / Courage |
|  |
David - Beholding the Glory of God |
Character Studies / God, Characteristics of |
| |  |
David and Goliath |
I Samuel 17 |
| |  |
David Beholding the Glory of God |
Character Studies / God, Characteristics of |
London Navigator Conference - 1980 - 2 |
| |  |
David Beholding the Glory of God |
Character Studies / God, Characteristics of |
London Navigator Conference - 1980 - 4 |
| |  |
David: God Chooses His Person |
Character Studies / Obedience |
Life of David, The - 1 |
|  |
David: His Tragic Failure |
Character Studies / Failure |
Life of David, The - 2 |
|  |
David: Responding to God's Promises |
Character Studies / Promises |
Life of David, The - 3 |
|  |
Delegating Power - Matthew 10:1-25 |
Christian Living / Leadership |
Matthew 10:1-25 |
|  |
Discipleship |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 8 / Philippians 3:12-4:9 |
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Discipleship - Hebrews 12:1-17 |
| |  |
Discipleship Hit or Myth - Isaiah 6:1-8 |
Discipleship / Obedience |
| |  |
Easter Morning - He Is Risen |
Luke 24:1-35 |
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Election - Ephesians 1:3-12 |
Salvation / Elect, Election |
Ephesians 1:3-12 |
|  |
Encouragement |
Encouragement / Word of God, The |
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Exodus 3 |
Exodus 3 |
| |  |
Faith and Action - Nehemiah 2 |
Nehemiah 2 |
| |  |
Faith and Actions |
James (Mike Treneer) - 2 / James 1:19-27 |
| |  |
Faithfulness and Faith |
Faithfulness and Faith - 1 |
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Faithfulness and Faith |
Faithfulness and Faith - 2 |
| |  |
Faithfulness of God, The |
God, Characteristics of / Faithfulness |
|  |
Faithfulness Unto Old Age - The Example of Caleb |
Joshua 14:6-15 |
| |  |
Feed My sheep |
Pastor-Teacher / Discipleship |
|  |
Foundations for Laboring |
II Timothy 2 |
| |  |
From Theology to Doxology - Romans 11-33-36 |
Romans 11:33-36 |
| |  |
Fruit of the Gospel, The |
Gospel / Evangelism |
|  |
Fruitful Disciplemaking - I Thessalonians |
Discipleship / Spiritual Multiplication |
Asian Church Disciplemaking Conference - III - 2 |
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Giving 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 |
Giving / Stewardship |
| |  |
Goal of Our Vision, the |
- 2 |
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God At Work In Others Through You |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 9 / Philippians 4:10 |
| |  |
God at Work in Others Through You |
God, Characteristics of / Relationships |
God at Work - 4 |
| |  |
God at Work in You |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 7 / Philippians |
| |  |
God at Work in You - Partnership (Philippians 1) |
God, Characteristics of / Christian Living |
God at Work - 1 / Philippians 1 |
| |  |
God at Work in Your Life - Part 1 |
God, Characteristics of / Christian Living |
God at Work - 2 |
| |  |
God at Work in Your Life - Part 2 |
God, Characteristics of / Christian Living |
God at Work - 3 |
| |  |
God Who Keeps His Promises, The |
Promises / God, Characteristics of |
Character of God, The - 3 |
| |  |
God's Holiness |
Holiness, Holy / God, Characteristics of |
Character of God, The - 5 |
| |  |
God's Love |
Love / God, Characteristics of |
Character of God, The - 4 |
| |  |
God's Sovereignty - Romans 9 |
Romans 9 |
| |  |
God's Wisdom |
Wisdom / God, Characteristics of |
Character of God, The - 6 |
| |  |
God's Word, Authority and Power for Life |
Word of God, The / God, Characteristics of |
Character of God, The - 2 |
| |  |
God's Worldwide Concern |
Isaiah 49 |
| |  |
Great Commission, The |
Matthew 28:19-20 |
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Great Commission, The |
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Growing In Christ |
| |  |
Heart of a Leader - Part 1 |
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Heart of a Leader - Part 2 |
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Heart of a Leader - Part 3 |
| |  |
His Pursuit of the Nations Through Us |
World Vision / Missions |
Oklahoma City 2008 Navigator Conference - 3 |
|  |
Hollow and Deceptive Alternatives |
| |  |
Holy Spirit - Part 1 |
Holy Spirit - 1 |
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Holy Spirit - Part 2 |
Holy Spirit - 2 |
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Holy Spirit - Part 3 |
Holy Spirit - 3 |
| |  |
How Ordinary Women Make an Extraordinary Difference |
Individual, Worth of the / Purpose in Life |
NavWorld 2007 - 6 |
|  |
I Am the True Vine |
John 15:1-17 |
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I Samuel 17 |
I Samuel 17 |
| |  |
If All We Can Do Is Pray |
Mark 11:22-25 |
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Impact of Sin - Esther 1-3 |
Esther 1-4 |
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Investing In People - II Timothy 2 |
II Timothy 2 |
| |  |
James 1-2 |
James / Passage Studies |
| |  |
Jesus Clears the Temple |
| |  |
Joshua 23-24 |
Joshua / Old Testament Survey |
Joshua 23-24 |
|  |
Judges 2 |
Judges / Old Testament Survey |
Judges 2 |
|  |
King David |
Character Studies / Godly Man |
|  |
Laborers Required For the Vision |
| |  |
Leaving an Heir, Leaving a Legacy |
Navigators / Personal Development |
|  |
Leaving an Heir, Leaving a Legacy |
Finances / Goals, Priorities, Use of Time |
|  |
Life of David - Part 1 |
Life of David - 1 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 1 |
Character Studies / Godly Man |
David - A Character Study - 1 |
|  |
Life of David - Part 2 |
Life of David - 2 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 2 |
Character Studies / Godly Man |
David - A Character Study - 2 |
|  |
Life of David - Part 3 |
Life of David - 3 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 3 |
Character Studies / Godly Man |
David - A Character Study - 3 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 4 |
Life of David - 4 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 4 |
Character Studies / Godly Man |
David - A Character Study - 4 |
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Life of David - Part 5 |
Life of David - 5 |
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Life of David - Part 6 |
Life of David - 6 |
| |  |
Life of David - Part 7 |
Life of David - 7 |
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Life of David - Part 8 |
Life of David - 8 |
| |  |
Life We Must Live, The |
Christian Living / Basics of the Christian Life |
| |  |
Live as Jesus Wants You to - Colossians 3:12-17 |
Christian Living / Basics of the Christian Life |
Colossians 3:12-17 |
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Live as Jesus Wants You to - Colossians 3:12-17 |
Christian Living / Basics of the Christian Life |
Colossians 3:12-17 |
| |  |
Love of God, The |
Love / God, Characteristics of |
| |  |
Man's Responsibility - Romans 10 |
Romans 10 |
| |  |
Maturing As A Disciple |
Colossians 2:6-10 |
| |  |
Messianic Promises |
Christology (Jesus Christ) / Promises |
Asian Church Disciplemaking Conference - III - 1 |
| |  |
Ministering the Word Deeply, Meaningfully, and Humbly |
International Ministry / Word of God, The |
Asian Church Disciplemaking Conference - III - 3 |
| |  |
Money - Controlled or Controller |
Luke 18:18-30 |
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Nicodemus |
John 3 |
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ONE Worldwide Partnership |
Navigators / Vision |
| |  |
Ordinary People Advancing the Gospel in Extraordinary Ways - Part 1 |
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Ordinary People Advancing the Gospel in Extraordinary Ways - Part 2 |
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Our Father's Vision for the World |
World Vision / Missions |
Oklahoma City 2008 Navigator Conference - 2 |
|  |
Our Part In God's Plan |
| |  |
Our Position In Christ - Romans 1-11 |
Jesus Christ / Doctrine of Christ |
| |  |
Partnership In God's On Going Work |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 6 / Philippians |
| |  |
Philippians |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 1 / Philippians |
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Philippians - Servanthood |
Philippians (Mike Treneer) - 2 / Philippians |
| |  |
Philippians 1 |
Philippians / Passage Studies |
Philippians - I - 1 |
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Philippians 1:1-11 - Part 1 |
Philippians / New Testament Survey |
Phillippians 1:1-11 |
| |  |
Philippians 2 - Part 1 |
Philippians / Passage Studies |
Philippians - I - 2 |
| |  |
Philippians 2 - Part 2 |
Philippians / Passage Studies |
Philippians - I - 3 |
| |  |
Philippians 3 |
Philippians / Passage Studies |
Philippians - I - 4 |
| |  |
Pioneers Who Multiply Our Vision |
| |  |
Prayer |
Romans 10:13-15 |
| |  |
Pride and Prejudice |
James (Mike Treneer) - 3 / James 2:1-13 |
| |  |
Professing Christ as Lord |
Christology (Jesus Christ) / Lordship of Christ |
| |  |
Professing Christ as Savoir |
Christology (Jesus Christ) / Salvation |
| |  |
Professing Christ to the World |
Christology (Jesus Christ) / World Vision |
| |  |
Receiving Christ As Lord |
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Romans 1 |
Romans / Passage Studies |
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Romans 10:13-15 |
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Romans 2 |
Romans / Passage Studies |
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Romans 3 |
Romans / Passage Studies |
| |  |
Ruth |
Character Studies / Old Testament Survey |
| |  |
Seeing Jesus - His Cross - His Light |
Seeing Jesus - 1 / John 12:20-36 |
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Seeing Jesus - His Power - In Our Spiritual Warfare and Personal Failure |
Seeing Jesus - 4 |
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Seeing Jesus - His Word - Our Message |
Seeing Jesus - 2 |
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Seeing Jesus - The Servant - Our Example |
Seeing Jesus - 3 / John 13:1-17 |
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Serving With God's Perspective |
Servanthood / God, Characteristics of |
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Sin of Acan - Joshua 7 |
Joshua 8 |
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Submission |
| |  |
Supremacy of Christ, The |
Lordship of Christ / Sovereignty |
Colossians 1:15-2:5 |
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Teams and Teamwork |
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Tempted and Tried |
James (Mike Treneer) - 1 / James 1:1-18 |
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The Best I Can Be |
Spiritual Growth / Personal Development |
| |  |
The Best That I Can Be - Part 1 |
Spiritual Growth / Personal Development |
| |  |
The Cross - for Sin, the Righteous for the Unrighteous |
Cross of Christ, The / Jesus Christ |
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The Cross of Christ - The Way of Salvation |
Salvation / Cross of Christ, The |
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The Gospel - Good News of Salvation |
Salvation / Gospel |
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The Gospel of Grace - Romans 5:20-21 |
Romans 5:20-21 |
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The Great Commission |
Matthew 28:16-20 |
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