Results for:  "CHARACTER OF CHRISTin "SERIESsorted by PASSAGE...
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Topic A / Topic B

Series / Passage





George Sanchez

Christ's Sufficiency

Christian Living /
Christology (Jesus Christ)

Character of Christ - IX - 1

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George Sanchez

Christ's Love

Love /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - IX - 2

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Christ's Lordship

Lordship of Christ /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - IX - 3

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Christ's Vision

World Vision /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - IX - 4

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Christ's Values

Values /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - IX - 5

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Jesus: Worthy of Your Praise

Praise /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - II - 1

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Jesus, Gracious - - -

Grace /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - II - 2

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Jesus, Upholds - - -

Lordship of Christ /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - II - 3

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Jesus, Lifts Up - - -

Lordship of Christ /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - II - 4

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Jesus, Righteous - - -

Righteousness /
Jesus Christ

Character of Christ - II - 5

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Sufficiency of Christ and His Word

Jesus Christ /
Word of God, The

Character of Christ - III - 1

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Victory Parade, The

Victorious Christian Living /
Spirit-Filled Life

Character of Christ - III - 2

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

George Sanchez

Source of Fragrance, The

Holy Spirit /
Spirit-Filled Life

Character of Christ - III - 4

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ the Word: John 1

Christology (Jesus Christ) /
Word of God, The

Character of Christ - 1 /
John 1

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ the Vine: John 15

Christology (Jesus Christ) /
Passage Studies

Character of Christ - 7 /
John 15

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ the Intercessor: John 17 and 21

Christology (Jesus Christ) /
Passage Studies

Character of Christ - 9 /
John 17 and 21

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ the Creator: John 2

Creation /
Passage Studies

Character of Christ /
John 2

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ the Soul Winner: John 3-4

Christology (Jesus Christ) /

Character of Christ - 3 /
John 3 and 4

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

Jack Mitchell

Christ and His Claims (John 5-6)

Christology (Jesus Christ) /
Passage Studies

Character of Christ - 4 /

   Right-click and select 'Save target as...' to download .mp3 file. Left-click to play Windows Streaming Audio (.wma file).

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